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"A man is as young as his spinal column" - Joseph Pilates


“It is our duty to not only attain [health] but to maintain it.” Joseph Pilates’ practice was focussed around helping sick people to heal. He progressed to using old springs from hospital beds which enabled partial loading forces on muscles, tendons and ligaments to further improve healing. From Joe’s work, pilates has evolved into the physiotherapy and strength and conditioning spaces and is widely recognised as part of a balanced and holistic exercise regime.


“Breathing is the first act of life and the last. Our very life depends on it.” Joe Pilates believed that by concentrating on precision of movement, awareness of breath control and a continued flowing movement, the exerciser will be able to alter abnormal patterns of movement and achieve a carry over effect into daily function. This will have us moving better across our lifespan.


“Change happens through movement and movement heals.” Life today has us seated for extended periods primarily hunched over phones and laptops. Working through all planes of movement, many of our pilates movements focus on rotation and complete articulation of the spine through both flexion and extension which will have us standing taller and moving through daily activities with ease.

At Pilates on the Bay we combine modified classical pilates techniques of Joseph Pilates with scientific training principles to curate sessions that will have you moving and feeling better. Practicing pilates will give you the opportunity to switch off and tune in to your mind and body, whilst building your strength and increasing your physical capabilities.

Using the APPI method, our sessions begin with a central core of stability and progress through strengthening, mobility and stretching movements to enhance movement efficiency and longevity.

Whether you’re a seasoned Pilates enthusiast or a beginner looking to embark on a fitness journey, our studio offers a nurturing and empowering environment for all levels.

We have a range of different equipment available including the reformer machine and your instructor can focus on your form, requirements, and objectives, allowing each session to be tailored to your specific needs.

Our customers are our top priority, and nothing is more fulfilling than enhancing our customer relationships, advancing their practice, and watching them accomplish their objectives.